This is my first blog post which some may say is a bit overdue since I am the communications officer to launch the first ambulance union website back in 2003.
But, I have generally stuck to communicating the news rather than generating it.
It would be an understatement to say 2020 has been a difficult year. A global pandemic, corona virus has brought us so many challenges. Our branch has been incredibly busy. I am so proud of everybody on the branch. If you could see the amount of effort and work they are doing behind the scenes you would be shocked. Although most of you probably wouldn’t be as you know how hard UNISON reps work for you, our members each and every day.
Anyway, I said it had been a difficult year, but something else happened in March 2020. Our website suffered a catastrophic failure. You may not have noticed anything. (I’m hoping you didn’t) but I’m sure you will have noticed the website had something of a makeover with a new colour scheme. We went from UNISON Green to UNISON Purple!
Just as we were trying to get information out about Covid, I then had to bring forward a major upgrade of the site. At the same time we had to cancel our AGM. This is the first time since I became a UNISON rep over 20 years ago that the AGM has been cancelled. Talk about the worst timing. Since then, I have been finalising the site upgrade. Unfortunately, some documents have been permanently lost along with all our stats, but it is all working which is the important thing. If you do find any broken links or can’t find something you know was previously there then please drop me a message via our contact form.
Information is changing sometimes on a daily basis and we are all working incredibly hard to get the latest updates onto the website so please keep checking back.
There is a lot of support out there – You may have read we donated £10,000 to the LAS Wellbeing Hub. Nicola Bullen and the team have been doing a fantastic job in getting isolation packs out to staff and recently arranged for every member of staff to get a gift bag.
Our welfare charity ‘There for You’ have also launched a Covid-19 Response Fund. It is there for UNISON members who are really struggling. Click here to read more on this.
NHS Heroes – You will have seen some of these photo boards on our twitter feed. They are with our reps right across London. Tap one up if you want to get your picture online!
We also have some other goodies coming out for our members very soon so check back on the website for details.
We are all working so hard to support our members but please do let us know if there is anything you need or you think should be on the website.
In Shoreditch there are some streets filled with graffiti. Some of it is messy and some quite brilliant, but in the middle of it all was this poster to Protect NHS workers.
Stay Safe

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